Short Sirloin Whole | ±2.5kg

R200.90 per kg

Actual Weight (kg) 2.5
Total Price R502.25
Remaining/Maximum Characters: 100/100


Short sirloin is prepared from the lumbar section of the swiss trim sirloin. The swiss trim sirloin is prepared by deboning a full loin that has had the fillet removed. The flank is removed leaving no tail attached to the eye muscle. All excess fat is trimmed and this sirloin is perfect to show off home butchering skills by slicing perfect portions at home.

Packaging: Approx. 2.5kg packed into a shrink bag.

Shelf life: 120 days chilled @ <1°C or 365 days frozen @ <-18°C

Cooking method: Braai/grill/ pan fry as steaks

Product Code: Online 8123

CB 123, 123 MATF

NAMP 180

Related product: Sirloin on the bone, sirloin portions

Additional information

Weight 2.5 kg
Leg of Lamb | ±2kgBiltong | 100g